Snake Control
Beautiful Rat Snake removed in Cumming GA
Beautiful Rat Snake removed in Cumming GA
rat snake from Cumming GA
Another Picture of the beautiful Rat Snake









The three most common snakes that we remove from yards are rat snakes, water snakes & copperheads in our area.  Copperheads are the only venomous ones on the list above.  Oftentimes, water snakes are confused for copperheads.

Our snake removal services include a licensed Wildlife Technician coming out and scouring your property for up to an hour.  Any snakes they find will be removed.  You can opt for us to only take venomous snakes away and leave the non-venomous to maintain Mother Natures balance of rodents in your yard.

One of the most beneficial features of our service is the habitat modification suggestions.  We will assess your property and provide you with a list of modifications you should make in order to make your yard less hospitable to snakes.  If you make snakes feel uncomfortable by denying shelter and a place to hide then they will keep right on trekking.

We are proudly to offer some of the most modestly priced snake removal services – there are NO hidden fees, NO up charges or surprises.


Any questions give us a call!