Carpenter Bee – Wood Bee Control

The menacing Carpenter Bee (Wood Bee) require a completely different technique than any other type of nuisance because these are solitary nesters. Meaning there isn’t a hive for us to remove, These buggers drill holes in the wood all around you home. They buss around terrifying everyone being accused in Georgia of being the size of most birds. Ha Ha Ha! We have a tried & true approach that can resolve the problem and mitigate any damages.
Our Carpenter Bee Control Program is a little different than most others in the sense that we combine multiple services into one program.
WHAT IS INCLUDED IN OUR ANNUAL CARPENTER BEE PROGRAM: We install up to 4 custom-fabricated carpenter bee traps, we bait them, and if deemed appropriate we might also fill some holes that are competing with our traps as a part of our services. It is a combination of the industries most widely used & effective tools.
We have developed our carpenter bee control program over the last 13 years trying all of the options available to mitigate damages. Our program works! Our customers have us come back year after year because of the success of our program.
With our Annual Program, we will return right before Spring each year for a reduced price to service & maintain each trap (cleaning or replacing), considering strategic placement (possibly moving around), baiting the traps again, filling any holes again that compete with our traps to make the most out of your carpenter bee control program each year.
Right when you think you have the Carpenter Bee Plague under control, we have been seeing more and more Giant Resin Bees doing the same as Carpenter Bees. They too are boring holes, just smaller in size, and we treat them the same.
Give us a call! (678) 850-9520

Here is a job we did where we felt the client was the winner for the “WORST CARPENTER BEE DAMAGE Award”: