
This is a job we are doing in Roswell Georgia.  Between April 1st and July 31st (updated 2019 according to https://georgiawildlife.com/ExcludingBatsFromYourHouse) we are required to determine if the colony is a Bachelor Pad or a Maternity Ward.  This is the time of the year where it is a possibility for there to be flightless babies in the colony.  Since bats are protected it is not only a Federal Law but also our moral obligation to protect the safety of these bats. Although bats are not as big of a pollinator as bees, they are big contributors for sure.  Whole Foods did an awesome article on what our grocery stores would look like  without pollinators – (click here for article) . During this season here are the steps that we have to take: bat exclusion process       As shown in the flow chart above we need to determine if it is a one step, two step or three step process.

Any questions give us a call!